• 21 ноября 2018, среда
  • Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 7-9-11 к. 5А

SPB Frontend meetup, November 2018

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2319 дней назад
21 ноября 2018 c 18:30 до 21:00
Университетская наб., 7-9-11 к. 5А

The first english frontend meetup in Saint Petersburg.

About SPB Frontend community: http://spb-frontend.ru/.

Our news is published in VKtwittertelegram and facebook.



18:30 — Doors open

19:00 — “GraphQL: basics and emotions”, Evgenii Shkodin

19:30 — Break

19:45 — “The voice path”, Nelly Kam

20:15 — Break

20:30 — “Semantics for Cynics”, Vadim Makeev



GraphQL: basics and emotions

Evgenii will take us through the basics of GraphQL, and explain how GraphQL concepts led to the establishment of proactive community, and creation of a vast ecosystem, with different tools and libraries, which benefits both user and developer experience

Evgenii Shkodin, Front-end developer, Evil Martians



The voice path

Talk about voice assistant interface development, comparing states of known voice assistants, pros and cons of VUI, some use cases in US enterprise. Nelly will describe turn arounds of understanding VUI’s states and why interface will not disappear.

Nelly Kam, product designer, Alan AI




Semantics for Cynics

Okay Google: why do I need semantics and tags apart from <div>? I don’t give a damn about specs or making “what’s right”, I think inmates are in charge of web standards asylum and CSS for me is Client Side Scripting. My <Link/> with onclick is hundred times easier than <a> or <button> dilemma. Only useful tags and markup practices without myths and fairy tales for true full-stacks.

Vadim Makeev, HTML Academy



The event will be held in JetBrains. Universitetskaya Embankment 7-9-11, building 5, lit А.



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